Fashion Duo - Easy Rolled Edge Kimono - Single Border

This is the 4th version of the Easy Rolled Edge Kimono. This version features our Batik Rayon - Single Border Liriope design which results in a longer tunic length Kimono. The motif runs along only one selvedge edge of the fabric which is used in the jackets hem and sleeve openings.
Fashion Duo: Use the drop down button to select your favorite single border fabric for your Kimono. We will include 3 1/2 yards of Batik Rayon and the free instruction guide. We encourage you to customize your Fashion Duo and select any of our fabrics from our Batik Rayon Collection. There are too many to list for this item.
Size: All. Garment is based on your key body measurements AND our method of tearing the fabric to achieve the indended look of this fabric collection.
Skill Level: Beginner
Click to purchase Schmetz Microtex Needle 80/12
Click to shop our Batik Cotton Jersey Knit Version of this Garment
Click to shop our Traditional Batik Rayon Version of this Garment
Click to shop our Double Border Rayon Version of this Garment
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